Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™ Burn & Broad™

Creative Direction
Eugene Serebrennikov + Vicente Garcia Morillo

Design & Illustration
David Campo

Andrew Ahern

Project Management
Danny Serebrennikov

Product Photography
Noel Mones

Burn & Broad collaborated with the Pepsi Design & Innovation Center to design packaging, campaign visuals, and animation for the launch of the Pepsi S’mores Collection. This limited-edition design project included a custom S’mores kit, where fans could mix three distinct flavors to create the ultimate Pepsi S’mores experience.

Creative Direction
Packaging Design

Creative Direction
Eugene Serebrennikov + Vicente Garcia Morillo

Design & Illustration
David Campo

Andrew Ahern

Project Management
Danny Serebrennikov

Product Photography
Noel Mones